Finding out you’re pregnant can bring a mix of emotions, especially if the pregnancy was unplanned. And one of the most nerve-wracking parts can be sharing the news with your boyfriend and family.

Here are some tips to help you approach this conversation feeling prepared and confident. However, we’re here if you’re looking for a safe space to talk and ask questions. Contact us anytime to schedule a free, confidential appointment.

1. Prepare Yourself Emotionally

Before talking to your boyfriend or family, take some time to process your feelings. Journaling, talking with a trusted friend, or speaking to a counselor can help you sort through your emotions. Feeling prepared and calm will make it easier to communicate your news clearly.

2. Choose the Right Time and Place

Timing and setting are important for these conversations. Choose a private, comfortable location where you can talk openly without distractions. Avoid high-stress or busy moments, and give your boyfriend and family time to focus on what you’re saying.

3. Be Honest and Clear

When you’re ready, be direct and honest about your pregnancy. For example, you might say, “I have something important to share—I’m pregnant.” Pause to let them process the information before continuing. Sharing how you feel about the pregnancy and your hopes for the future can set the tone for the conversation.

4. Anticipate Reactions

Every person responds differently. Your boyfriend and family may initially feel shocked, excited, worried, or even upset. Give them space to express their feelings, and try to remain patient and understanding.

Remember, initial reactions don’t always reflect long-term support. While they may not initially react as you hoped, they may come to your point of view if given time to process their feelings.

5. Emphasize That You Value Their Support

Let your boyfriend and family know you trust them and value their role in your life. Reassure them that you want their support as you navigate this journey. Acknowledging their importance can help them feel included and more likely to respond positively.

We’re Here for You

It can help to discuss your feelings and explore your options before revealing the news to your family and boyfriend. And we’re here to help.

We offer a safe space to talk, ask questions, and learn medically accurate information about your options. You’re not in this alone. Contact us today to discover all the ways we can help, including services like pregnancy testing, limited ultrasounds, and more.